Friday, March 17, 2006

St Patrick's Day

Well my St Patrick's Day parade was around the ski mountain. It was a little overcast and grey this morning but the snow is still lovely and soft from earlier in the week although you need to be a little careful of the untracked snow because with some warm weather it has settled a little heavy and is crusty in places. Great snow for skiing bumps though.

It was also not as crowded as earlier in the week. I think the partying every night must be catching up with the college kids here on spring break.

Today I went looking for Typhoon - it's one of those name runs in the trees like Closet and Shadows and Twilight that could be any one of dozens of lines. I don't know if I found it, but it doesn't really matter because whatever line it was I skied in the trees between Cyclone and Tornado, I enjoyed it.

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