Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Around the world in 30 days, and a bit more

We arrived back from Australia last night after an overnight stop in LA with my wife's cousin and his family. Thanks for the hospitality Naji and Marcela. They're great hosts, and very tolerant of the fact we spent half the visit sleeping!

I did a quick tally of my travel over the past 30 days and calculated that I've done over 30,000 miles in that time. To put that in perspective, that's one and a quarter times around the globe. Most airline frequent flyer programs require you to log 25,000 miles in a year for elite status. After a slow start, I've already got more than 63,000 miles in 2005.

Although I'm likely to be heading to Hong Kong later in July, I'm really looking forward to at least a couple of weeks at home because summer here is simply gorgeous.

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