Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Holy Affagoto Batman!

I'm sitting here in my home office in Steamboat Springs sipping on an affagato, the sun is shining outside and I'm thinking 'it doesn't get any better than this'.

Affagato combines two of my favourite things - ice cream and espresso - and the whole is definitely more than the sum of the parts. Unfortunately this is not a general principle, so ice cream and scotch whiskey don't work (but you'd be surprised how often people fall for this "ice cream and whiskey" fallacy).

I take my coffee very seriously. I buy the beans online from Cafe Britt in Costa Rica, grind them myself and have my own 15-bar espresso machine (saving myself about ten bucks a day at Starbucks) but not as seriously as my friend Jon. At one stage Jon was living on a 32 foot boat in Port Moresby harbour. If you've never been inside a 32 foot boat, let me tell you it's small. Really small. You need to go on deck to change your mind. But such are Jon's priorities that he had somehow found room inside his boat not only for a magnificent espresso machine but also for a coffee roaster so he could roast the green beans he was getting direct from the plantations in the New Guinea highlands. That's true caffeine dedication.

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