If you want to understand the awesome power of the internet, imagine if you said to your friends 10 years ago "I can generate in 30 seconds a map of the world showing the countries I have visited, and in another 30 seconds or so, I can make that map available to anyone, anywhere in the world who wants to see it." Impossible. But of course now it's entirely possible. Here's my map (current as of now - I'm expecting to add Portugal and Morocco in the next few months):

And here's a version showing the states of the US I've visited:

Notice how assiduously I've avoided all the boring places in the mid-west, especially Iowa - I've never met anyone who had a good word to say about Des Moines (this is for you Jon).
If you want to try it for yourself check it out
If civilisation is the triumph of knowledge over ignorance, then the internet is the most civilising invention in human history.
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