Sunday, May 29, 2005

An artist in the family

On my recent visit to Australia I discovered that my sister Joanne is a very talented artist. I'm not sure whether this is a recent development or whether she's simply chosen to keep her talent hidden until now.

Actually I shouldn't have been too surprised since my sister's husband is a talented painter, as is my mother and as was my late paternal grandmother. But I was blown away by Joanne's ability to turn a piece of clay into a living thing in no time (the total process with painting and glazing and firings takes days, but the scuplting only takes her a few hours).

How do I exercise my creative drive? By designing business processes and software architectures (yes, I'm a geek and proud of it.) I get the same buzz from that as my more talented relatives get from creating works of art, plus I make pretty good money doing it.

Here's a picture of one of my sister's 'rejects' which I commandeered and have hung on my wall. Yes, I've taken out a call option on all future rejects.

This is the only frog my wife ever wants to have in the house!

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