Saturday, May 28, 2005

A guy, a ski town and how many pizza places?

We wanted to have lunch Thursday at the Gobi Grill, one of the few places in Steamboat that does passable Asian food. Alas we discovered the Gobi Grill is no more, replaced by, of all things, another damn pizza place. Now how many pizza places does a small town like this need? A quick count by my wife came up with 14, but I'm sure we missed a few (not being big pizza fans).

One of the toughest thing about living in the US is definitely the food. After living for two years in Singapore with its wonderful diversity of food at amazingly cheap prices, the blandness and sameness of most of the food here is hard to take (not to mention the pain of adding 8.6% sales tax and 15% tip to the menu price).

It seems even paradise is not perfect.

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